Ramah Ministries Int'l
"The Africa Reformation Mandate"

The Africa Reformation Mandate is a detailed strategy from the Lord to bring an "Isaiah 35" transformation to the Continent of Africa. God is bringing great change to the church as we know it and he is starting with His leaders. God is requiring Christian leaders to make significant changes to the “commonly acceptable” practices in today's church. The Africa Reformation Mandate is a strategy given by the Lord to bring redirection to Africa's leaders to come back to the teachings of Jesus, and rise to the Biblical standard of holiness in life and ministry. There is a great harvest waiting, but God's leaders must have the heart of Jesus and be prepared to care for them.
Our Father, who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:9,10
The Sound of Change!