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Prophetic Word given to Zanild Abarrane - August 20, 2023

God is sending a new breed of pastors and leaders. These will have the "heart of a shepherd" like David; they will "leave all" to rush into the pastures and locate the scattered sheep, they will have ears tuned to the cries of the critically malnourished and dying lambs.

I hear the Lord saying, "No longer will my sheep be forsaken and left to wander. No longer will newborn lambs be left to die alone as their cries go unheard by negligent shepherds. No longer forsaken, no longer unnoticed, each one will be seen, nurtured, and cared for."

"One by one, they will be resuscitated and nurtured back to life, each one called by name." "These 'Shepherds of My Heart' will run into the pastures, they will run into the bush and rescue the lambs that have been unseen and forsaken by other negligent shepherds."

The Lord continued...

"I have watched as many pastors wait for the sheep to come to them. They have been ignorant that sheep and lambs reside outside in pastures.

Do not the sheep of the in the pastures?"

"They have abandoned the pastures, they have overlooked the fields and preferred buildings, and in doing so, they have forsaken my lambs and my sheep continue to wander. Pastures have remained foreign to these leaders. They have left my sheep to scatter and left my weak and dying lambs to wander and die while I alone have listened to their cries in the night."

"The incessant crying of the lambs has weakened their voices so much that only I can hear their faint whimpers. Alone and afraid, weak and frail from the continuous onslaught of the enemy beating them down and weakening them, malnourished and faint, my lambs have been dying unnoticed; yet night after night they have cried for help." 

"I watched as demons enmassed them, relentlessly taunting them to give in, to give up, and to end their lives once and for all. Many have lost all hope, giving in to the enemy's taunting and taking their own lives. They could not hold on any longer. I watched as the very breath of life I gave them ceased and their spirits came back to me. They are now in my everlasting arms, never to be forsaken again. This is not the destiny I planned for my lambs."

"I have watched in anger, but I say, no longer will I watch as my lambs go unnoticed and cry in the night. I am sending 'Shepherds of My Heart' that have ears to hear the ever-so-slight bleating of the lambs and locate them. I will pour out My Spirit upon these shepherds. I will strengthen them to go after My lambs.

They will call My lambs by name; they will under-gird them and lift them up in the strength of My Spirit to fight against evil forces and win. They will fortify them with My Spirit, and transform them through My Word into a mighty army that will not fear the enemy but run into the darkness and retrieve the lost, wandering sheep and dying lambs." 

Watch... I am sending "Shepherds of My Heart" that will "leave all" to go into the pastures after the lambs that have fainted from lack of spiritual nourishment and have been left to die alone. I am sending shepherds whose ears have been tuned to the distant, ever-so-faint cries of the neglected and forsaken lambs, as many of these shepherds have been forsaken by negligent leaders themselves. 

These Shepherds of My Heart will 'leave all' to go 'out' into the pastures, find the scattered sheep and dying lambs, place them upon their shoulders, and carry them to safety. They will unselfishly give their lives to protect and guide these frail ones; placing the care of the lambs before their own needs. 

These shepherds will lay these lambs in surrender at My feet where they will find refreshing, pure life-giving water and the finest of green pastures where they can be nourished."

These forsaken and neglected lambs have endured lives of torture and trauma as hell and death have tried to suffocate life's breath out of them. It is these that the Lord calls "His Prevailing Lambs," these precious ones, rescued and nurtured back to life by the Father and the Shepherds of His Heart! 

Watch as the lambs gain strength. They will learn quickly to take ground and will not retreat, they have learned firsthand the tactics of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy and have no tolerance for his ploys.

These lambs, once suffocating from lack of life, will gain strength as the breath of God blows upon them, invigorating them at levels they never thought possible. Joy will overflow from within their hearts, captivating joy that will spread to others.

Keep watching as they gain new strength, then turn, reach into the darkness, and give their lives to rescue others from the grips of death and destruction.

Spiritual Snipers and Dead Shots, they will be called, they will be known for their relentless diligence to seek out, aim, and obliterate the enemy's grip of severe trauma, rejection, addiction, abuse, and torture on those deemed hopeless by others. These shepherds will have NO tolerance for the enemy.

  • The love that will emerge from these so-called rejects and outcast lambs will rise as a glorious banner as an example of unconditional love and draw many into the kingdom.

  • The love and teachings of Jesus will be seen once again among these devoted, relentless, diligent, unwavering, desperate lovers of the Good Shepherd.

  • Jesus will take precedence in their lives and be a witness to many as a result of their first love relationship.

  • Their strength will multiply as they sit at the Master's feet being nourished and strengthened.

  • Their spiritual maturity will abound at an ever-increasing rate.

  • Their continuous outreach of unselfish love will draw many and reveal Jesus' original intent on "how" to make disciples of Christ.

  • God's original intent for Kingdom family (Genesis 1) will be understood, and the caring of "God's family" will return to the church.

  • Doctrines will return to the teachings of Jesus. By this you will know the true from the false and misguided leaders. 

  • Caring and sharing will take on a new level of understanding among those who have been rescued. All they receive will quickly pass to those surrounding them to care for the needs of others.

  • A new style of kingdom leadership and kingdom family will be seen and demonstrated.

  • Watch as they multiply leaders, equip and position God's people into Kingdom order.

  • The laying down of lives and placing the needs of others first will be seen and provoke the favor of God upon their lives and those that are united with them.

  • They will not suffer lack for the Lord will provide all their needs to overflowing.

  • Priorities in the lives of these new leaders will exemplify God's order and Kingdom purpose.

Older, unused buildings and homes will be turned into "safe houses" for scattered sheep and new lambs requiring safety and close one-on-one discipleship. These will not just be houses but "family gathering places," homes filled with love and family that many have never experienced. Many will say, "The love of Heaven has touched the ground and will experience the love of 'family' for the first time."

Vision: I saw a bolt of lightning come out of heaven and touched down in a vast field. The field was so dry it immediately caught fire. I then saw the wind of God's Spirit begin to blow and the fire rapidly consumed the field. I then saw the field as a map of the United States turn over "white" ready to harvest.

The Lord has been sending His fire to purify and establish His order in the hearts of leaders. Some will stand and some will fall. Many who have willingly remained in the fire for purification will be the most "uncommon" of leaders.

Watch as many current and prominent leaders who have abandoned the pastures and forsaken God's lambs, be replaced with these leaders who have the "heart of a shepherd" like David.

Leaders who have accumulated wealth built upon greed and the wisdom of man will begin to lack...those who walk in obedience will flourish with God's blessings and be an example to the disobedient shepherds.

1 Samuel 16:1-16

Ezekiel 34

Acts 2:42-47

Acts 4:32-35

Blessings & Shalom,

Zanild Abarrane

Ramah Ministries Int'l

The War Institute

Elohai Conservatory of Worship

"Following Jesus' Example in Kingdom Leadership"

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