~ One Silver Trumpet ~
I sensed great concern and sadness in the Lord's heart and I heard Him say...
"I am calling many in this hour, but few have been willing to forsake all and follow Me." He then said..."Pray, for the harvest it is great....but the laborers they are few."
I saw Him gently speaking in a still small voice to many, calling them into the harvest field....but I saw many not thinking the voice was Him.
I saw Him calling and placing opportunities before many, but very few were willing to sacrifice their lives and plans for Him.
Often we boldly declare, "Lord, I will go!, Send me." But when the time comes when He calls, we often do not perceive that voice is Him. We reason in our minds and say, "it doesn't look or sound" like we want it to. It doesn't fit into the plans we have made. It doesn't fit into what we "think" would be God's plans for us. Then we give excuses.
The Lord is saying, "When I call...will you be willing to completely give it all, even if you don't see the path and all my plans ahead of you? Will you forsake family? Are you willing to trust and place them into my hands to care for them? Will you forsake your home and jobs? Will you forsake your own plans and ideas of how you think your life should go?"
God does not force us to do His will. He gently calls and leaves the choice up to us.
THIS....is a test! Many hearts are being measured. God is proving hearts. Will we be among those who listen, AND obey? He may call us, but will He choose us?
It is very easy for us to say, "Lord I am willing and try to convince God of our faithfulness in a moment of emotional outburst." But the test will come to prove our words....to see if our words are really in alignment with our hearts.
If we knew how many times God places before us choices that actually reveal our true motives and the purity of our hearts toward Him...if we accurately discerned them as opportunities being sent by Him to see how we will respond, but very often we don't.
We would truly be shocked if we knew how often God measures our hearts by the interaction with people He sends across our path every day. We would be shocked to know how often our decisions reject Him, and bring sadness to His heart.
Heb 13:1,2 Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
Why would He send angels to us? They are not to entertain us....but we are to show love, hospitality and serve them. God watches and takes note how we respond.
The calling always comes before the choosing. Will we be among those He chooses?
Matt 22:8,14 "...those who were invited were not worthy. For many are called (invited, summoned), but few are chosen.”
Mark 10:28-31 Peter began to say to him, “See, we have left everything and followed you.” Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
Zanild Abarrane
Word released Nov 3, 2021
"One Silver Trumpet" is a publication of Ramah Ministries Int'l. www.ramahministries.org/teaching-prophecy