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Ignorance in the Prophetic? Q&A

November 10, 2020

Question by Goodness Onyedi Ofodile

Q: There is a huge ignorance of the prophetic in this dispensation of believers. Why?

A: True prophesy comes from the mouth of God through yielded people, not the carnal flesh of man.

Masses of leaders have prophesied falsely as their spiritual filter is tainted by their flesh. Jesus told us to "follow" Him....He did not change this command for His people. Prophets must prophesy out of a first love relationship. The closer we are to a person, the clearer we hear them. Isn't this true? If you stand at a distance, you cannot hear clearly or you only hear "in part".

The Lord gave us His Spirit to lead us into all truth. We must know Him by the spirit, and we must know Him by His written word. Jesus is the Word, the two will never contradict. If we don't follow Him in the spirit closely we will not hear Him clearly. If we do not confirm what we think we are hearing by the written word we end up in a huge deceptive mess like we see today.

Many Christian leaders have strayed from the teachings of Jesus and what He taught the first apostles regarding the ways of His Kingdom and how to lead the people. These have left their first love relationship with the Lord (which is idolatry), and because of this, have grossly neglected the sheep.

The ways of sin (rebellion) is always destruction....NEVER blessing! Leaders need to be leading as they follow Christ and His teachings (not adding or taking away from His teachings)...these leaders because of their disobedience and their "adding to the Lord's words" have been bringing a curse upon themselves, the people of God....and the very land. The Lord does not bless disobedience.

But good news...God has a plan for the leaders that will repent and turn back to Him and submit in all humility to His leading into undefiled truth! God is bringing strong discipline and the fear of the Lord to His leaders. God's leaders are going to be held accountable like never before in face to face relationships, not from a distance like past relationships. God is not an absent or distant parent, this is not God's model for parenting (discipleship).

Pray for the hearts of God's leaders to receive God's correction and redirection. Leaders that obey the word of the lord will be blessed immensely and the very land will be affected. Those who do not follow the Lord's leading and do not turn, repent and change direction back to the Lord's heart....will bring more devastation upon themselves, their ministries and the people.

There will be a stark contrast between the two and many will turn from their ways of disobedience because they see the blessings of the Lord upon those who are obedient.

Zanild Abarrane Tsadak-Kohein

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