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July 28, 2021

God has a very strict protocol for confronting Christian leaders and hidden sin. God does not expose their sin to the public right away. He makes sure they are warned repeatedly...He sends multiple witnesses...if they still do not repent...God will have them exposed publicly. So...The naming of names is absolutely scriptural for leaders who have been warned by God repeatedly, and still do not repent. We see this in 1 Tim 5:19,20.

Public exposure becomes an example for all to see when you disobey God's warnings of hidden sin and you are in public ministry representing Jesus Christ. Christian leaders are to be examples of the image of Jesus and His character. Qualifications for leadership are extremely high but far too many have been ignoring God's standards even though they are clearly outlined in scripture. This is dishonoring to God, blaspheming His name, His holiness, and He wants it to STOP!

Christian leaders are to be blameless, without accusation, above reproach, pure, self disciplined, of good reputation (in and out of church), rule their family well, not a new believer, honorable, not greedy, teach sound doctrine and live a life of holiness that is pleasing to God. God will not be mocked and He will not allow His name to be blasphemed...He will bring open rebuke and correction that others may learn.

The fear of the Lord is coming back to God's people. Those who bear His name will understand His holiness and what it means to "tremble at His Word" and be "undone in His presence"...for our God...He is HOLY!

Qualifications of leaders--> Titus 1 & 1 Timothy chapters 3,4,5,6.

Zanild Abarrane Tsadak-Kohein Ramah Ministries Int'l

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