Ramah Ministries Int'l
Meet Zanild

Zanild Abarrane
Chief Musician ~ Zadok Minister of Worship
Prophetess ~ Assayer Scribe ~ Psalmist ~
Africa Reformation Mandate Leader
Religious Fraud Advisor
Mother of 6 ~ Grandmother of 8
Zanild Abarrane is the founder of Ramah Ministries Int'l. She carries an anointing for God’s leaders imparting through the gift of wisdom and strategic clarity; God’s "Kingdom Strategy" in practical detail where God is leading the church in this hour.
In 1993, the Lord appeared to her in a cloud of glory and gave her a mandate out of 1 Chronicles 22:19 to bring the Holiness of God's presence back to His people and prepare them for His habitation. Soon after the Lord began teaching her about the ministry of the Zadok Priesthood. While sitting at the Lord's feet in a vision she saw Habakkuk 2:14 and was given a "critically detailed war strategy" for an upcoming move of God through worship.
Now, as the Founder and Chief Musician at Elohai Conservatory of Worship (ECW), she teaches about the "Zadok Priesthood" and the "Order of the Lord" in worship. ECW trains Zadok Ministers of Worship on what commonly grieves, hinders, and quenches God's Spirit in worship services; the reason why God's Majesty, Splendor, and Holiness are not being revealed.
Ministering under a Zadok anointing, she reveals strategic details the Lord requires to separate the "Holy from the commonly acceptable practices" we see in today's churches and the ministry of worship.
Zanild has been the Africa Reformation Mandate leader ministering to Africa's leaders since 2016; carrying a burden to see God's leaders come back to the teachings of Jesus. She was the founder and director of Simba's Pride Children's Organization caring for needy children and widows in Kyela, Tanzania for 4 years until its closing in 2022 due to corruption.
Zanild is the mother of 6 grown children and 8 grandchildren.
Ramah Ministries Int'l
"Establishing God's Throne in the High Places."
Elohai Conservatory of Worship
"Separating Holy from Common in Worship!" Ez.44​​
Read the RMI Ministry Vision and Get Involved!!
For Teaching, Words of Wisdom, and Prophecy visit:
One Silver Trumpet at www.ramahministries.org/one-silver-trumpet
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/zanildabarrane
Zadok Revelatory Worship: www.elohaiworship.org/revelatory-worship
Habakkuk 2:14 Vision & War Strategy: www.elohaiworship.org/visions-war-strategy
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A vision and war stategy given to Zanild for an unprecedented more of God's Spirit through worship.
Below are some precious prophecy and words of encouragement given to Zanild over the years.
God is going to give you songs of worship, not the frivolous type, but the deep type that talk about the love, majesty and worthiness of the Lord. You are going to grow in this and as you let them flow, the sincerity of your heart and the Spirit behind them, the Lord is going to touch people’s lives, there's going to be a tremendous impact, people are literally going to come and prostrate themselves before the Lord as you obey God.
Prophet George Rhorig - CA, USA 1982
We have been to seminars and conferences on worship, but the Lord is telling me that He is giving you a revelation of worship that is going to revolutionize the church. You will not settle or compromise, and because of this standard, your ministry is going to go above and beyond anything you have imagined.
Prophetess Judith Ann Glasse - CA, USA 1998
Regarding apostolic territories and regions, you have a universal call.
Apostle S. Woods, Canada 2008
You are going to dance before the Lord and a cloud is going to fill the place. People who have prayed a hundred times are finally going to be healed because of the anointing that is upon you.
Prophet Neil Glasse - CA, USA 1996
I see you starting house churches and bringing clarity to the giftings in God’s people.
Pastor Stephen Gray - AL, USA 2003
The raw Truth of GOD is rare in our day. And so, it is refreshing to read your posts & acknowledge the stand for Truth you've taken. Be steadfast for behold HE Comes.
Excellence Uso, Nigeria 2017
Great revelations, some serious Bible teaching and lessons. Talking to you is like God is speaking to me face to face, I am really encouraged and uplifted.
Richard Owori, Kenya 2021
In a vision I saw you standing on a mountain, as you began to sing and worship I saw the glory of the Lord flow into the nations.
Prophetess Jeanette Rose - ID, USA 2013
You have an apostolic call...I see you delivering very "weighty" words.
Prophet Andre Bronkhorst, FL USA 2020
Dear Friends,
It is an ongoing first love relationship the Lord is desiring to have with each of us. This relationship is the very foundation our walk with Christ is to be built upon. Without this first love relationship, we will never attain the image and character of Jesus, nor will we be able to teach others to do the same. God's Spirit will always lead us “back” to the teachings of Jesus; to know His heart, and His ways. By knowing Him in this personal, intimate way, we learn to hear His voice more clearly and accurately.